The acess to the house is made throught stairs from the groundfloor to the 1st floor, where the apartment is located. The apartment consists of two floors, where the second used to be the attic with a small dorm in an advanced state of deterioration.
2nd floor – Under Construction

Wall and roof detail – Under Construction
For the intervention in this property, there was:
1) Small room areas;
2) High floor to ceiling height;
3) Poor lighting and natural ventilation;
4) Privileged location near the river with a view over the Judeu River
Views and ventilation scheme
A “Loft” system is proposed that allows:
1) maximizing the appropriation of space, with minimal partitioning;
2) views of the entire interior volume;
3) balanced and homogeneous natural lighting and ventilation;
4) economy in intervention.

Ground floor plan
First floor plan
Second floor plan
Sections A and B
Work in progress
Interior details